While a great smile is always charming, not everyone can immediately boast of one. Some people naturally have beautiful dentition, while others would require some help to achieve that great smile. Over the years, dental aligners have shown that you can straighten your smile without using braces, and achieve the same charming result.
Dental Aligners
Dental aligners are also called invisible braces. They are a set of clear plastic braces that we place on the teeth to correct crooked teeth. These plastic braces snap tight on the teeth and are fairly unnoticeable by others when one. They are usually designed specifically for each individual patient, and can be easily removed for easy cleaning and comfort. Our professionals use dental aligners to treat a number of orthodontic issues such as overcrowded teeth, misaligned teeth, underbites and overbites.
How Do Dental Aligners Work?
Our professionals will set out by accessing your oral health. We would conduct a dental examination to diagnose an oral issue that our patient needs to treat. This helps to determine if a dental aligner would suffice. Once our professionals clear you for dental aligners, we will take measurements which will fit specifically for your teeth. Just like braces, they mildly nudge the teeth into their right position. You will be changing these sets every couple of weeks according to the process, until treatment is complete.
How Long Will I Need Dental Aligners?
Since dental aligners are custom-fitted for every patient, the duration for treatment also depends on the issue being treated. While come may take a couple of weeks, more severe misalignments may require that a patient uses these aligners for much longer. However, once our team achieves the desired alignment, you will stop using them. If you are considering getting a dental aligner, reach out to us today to discuss your best options.
About Us | Orthodontist Kennett Square, PA | Greeley Orthodontics We take the time to review your medical history and conduct an oral examination to get a clear picture of your health. Learn more about us here! Greeley Orthodontics - Connie Greeley, 400 Old Forge Lane Suite 406, Kennett Square, PA 19348 • 484-346-6008 • greeleyortho.com • 2/12/2025 • Page Terms:orthodontist Kennett Square PA •